Below, the application represents WowwAI, OPEN AI as the third party service provider, and the user represents the user using the application. 

1-Honesty Principle: The application adopts the principle of not misleading users and, unlike other applications offering similar services, it does not claim to support or use gpt-4. 

2-Version Used: As WowwAI, we use gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 version in the application. With this version, 16K answers can be received for each query. (One message has the potential to receive approximately 100 times as many textual responses as this text) 

3-Query and Transaction Limits: It is believed that the gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 version is sufficient for queries and transactions. Each query has a cost to us. 

4-Fee Policy and User-Friendliness: The third-party service provider company offers a fee per query policy. WowwAI avoids the phrase "unlimited use", which is misleading to the user, and offers a message and duration policy. It adopts a user-friendly approach without seeking a profit proportionately higher than the costs of the service provider. 

5- Quality Results Goal: a. As WowwAI, the application aims to get better quality results for each query. Therefore, we have created a special query version in which the answers to the queries are different from other applications. b-Solution Rights and Algorithm: We have developed a special query version to ensure that users cannot get the same answer from different applications similar to their questions. As WowwAI, we prefer a user-friendly approach and we reserve the rights to the prompt algorithm we use for more detailed and itemized answers. c- Approach to Not Avoiding High Costs for Quality Results: We would like to point out that in order for the user to get better quality results for each query and to detail the answers to their queries, we will be charged a higher cost - compared to similar applications. This has been undertaken to ensure that the user can receive better quality and more economical answers to their queries. 

6- Limited Usage and Pricing Policy: Message usage is subject to limits due to the third-party service provider's query pricing policy. Weekly usage is limited to 100 Messages, 1 Month is limited to 300 Messages and 1 Year usage is limited to 1000 Messages. 

7-Reinstall and Continue: When the message ends or expires, users can continue using it by installing a new package. If weekly, monthly and annual message or time rights expire, previous rights are collected in new uploads and users continue to use their previous rights. 

These articles contain the basic principles and rules regarding the operation of the WowwAI application and the services it provides to its users.


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